
The advantages of outsourcing your recruitment process

Categories: Recruitment

The advantages of outsourcing your recruitment process, that go deeper than simply saving time, and that help you find the best candidate

To find and retain good employees within an organization is crucial to the success of your company. Despite that, we see that recruitment processes aren't always optimized to attract talent. As a specialized recruitment partner, we go above and beyond the efforts of an average HR department, in finding the right match. In that process, we use marketing as a tool to attract talent.

Are the best candidates rejected by your company?

Most recruitment systems, even within smaller companies, are not created to select the best candidate for a job opening, but to filter out the candidate who seems to be check all the boxes and who is ideally loyal, docile and obedient.

It is known by many that online application software selects candidates based on keywords. It seems very efficient, but is it really? Within this first selection potential candidates are rejected, despite the fact that they could be a great match, when looking at their personality and ambition.

As a specialized recruitment agency in Fashion, Retail and Lifestyle, we have a clear overview of talents within the industry. To keep our candidate database of high quality, we have a personal interview with each candidate to learn about their ambitions, competencies, skills, areas of improvement, character and much more.

The best candidates are selected based on character, industry knowledge and vision

With over 10 years of experience in recruitment, we are able to screen candidates, getting to know them, and decide if they are amongst the best in their area of expertise. In addition, we are one the few recruitment agencies that do personal assessments as a part of our selection process. This helps us to get an even better insight in a persons qualities and development areas.

Why we value the assessment as part of the recruitment process

By incorporating an assessment in our recruiting process, we get a good impression of the (sustainable) employability of a candidate. By only looking at somebody's experience we don't automatically get confirmation that he or she likes what they are doing and has the right drive to make it a success.

An assessment offers us the opportunity to look at a candidate from different angles and to have a better understanding if he or she would be a good match for a company. This benefits both the client and the candidate.

Because of our way of working and the personal attention we offer a candidate, talent feels that they are taken seriously and know they are talking to a professional that understands their area of expertise and gets what’s important in their career.

What problem does a new employee solve within your organization?

The first step of the recruitment process is creating a job description. Often we see that a job description is solely based on the tasks that somebody will be doing, rather than giving an answer to a crucial question: "What problem solves the arrival of a new employee, and what competencies does he or she need to possess?" This question is the first that comes to mind whenever we get a new assignment, because the answer to this question, will lead us to the best candidate.

We aim to have a long-term relationship with an organization, in which we try to get to know your company from A to Z, so we can use this to our benefit in recruiting the best candidate. With a team of recruiters that all have been active within the Fashion, Retail or Lifestyle industry, we succeed in thinking along with an organization and identify the needs for success. We love to be an ambassador for our clients.

Talent is as valuable for an organization as customers are, so pay attention to your selection process and your image

The real Movers & Shakers* of the industry are good at what they do, and therefore wanted by a lot of companies. It is important to realize that a fun and inspiring workplace, attracts people. An innovative and motivating culture is not only a benefit for people who are already employed by a company, it also gives you a positive image to the outside world, making your company a place of aspiration.

As a recruiter, we take a reputation serious and we search for a perfect match, that aligns with the personality of our candidates. By visiting your company and being in touch on a regular base, we can make the right estimate, which bring us one step closer to creating a perfect match.

What is your priority for when it comes to finding the best candidate? Let us know!

* Movers & Shakers are the people who get things done and stand out from the crowds.

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Publication date 23-08-2024
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Wendy Timmermans
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