
What does your social media profile say about you? And how does this affect your application?

Categories: Recruitment

blog_image:article_movers_15299650355b3169ebe533d.png:end_blog_imageIt is hard to escape having a social media profile on the web these days. With a variation of platforms, there is something for everyone. Through those social platforms it is easy to share a lot of information about ourselves with friends, but, as became clear lately, we also share a lot of information with third parties. Companies that are out to target your with special promotions for instance, but also companies that are recruiting new employees. Did you ever stop to think what impression your social media profile gives to others, and how this might affect your career?

What does your profile photo say?

Did you know that almost half of all recruiters get their first impression of you through your profile picture? In most cases, you don’t get to make a first impression at an interview anymore, or with your resume, but with your LinkedIn page, for instance. Although the fact that over the years recruiter attitudes around selfies have relaxed, what your photo expresses is important according to our recruiters: “We want people who look decent and don’t post photos of crazy things on Facebook, for example”

Graphic: Recruiter mindset towards selfies in negativity
Source: Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report 2017

What works best? A picture that is taken with care and shows your face clearly. Especially on a platform like LinkedIn, we as recruiters, expect a professional appearance and not a holiday picture. In addition, it is also recommended to avoid certain things on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Like showing too much skin or overindulging in alcohol. A lot of recruiters or potential employers might browse around through your profile to learn more about you.

The do’s and don’ts on Social Media

A survey amongst 800 recruiters in the US showed that there certainly are things that can impact an application procedure in a negative way. This can even impact the willingness to introduce a candidate with a client. The graphic below shows the most important things that are considered negative for when it comes to behavior on social media.


Source: Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report 2017

Of course, there are also things that do the opposite and give a positive impression and can work to your advantage. Things like showing a portfolio of your work or written content, engagement in volunteering, mentoring or non-profits, or having mutual connections. These are at the top three positive factors that impact a recruiter’s decision to move forward with a candidate.

How to use your social media profile within your career?

There are a lot of positive sights to social media that can work as an advantage in your job search. A good social media profile can have the same effect as a good marketing strategy. Especially when you are on a job hunt, you want to stand out versus other candidates. On business-oriented social platforms, like LinkedIn, your first impression doesn’t necessarily start with visiting your profile, but also with the fact if people can find your profile at all. When you, for instance, don’t have a LinkedIn presence, you might be seen as inexperienced.

Job Title

When we are in search of the best candidate for a job, we often use LinkedIn and its option to search by job title. When your company works with special and hip job titles, like Marketing Maven or Social Media Queen, instead of Marketing Manager or Social Media Expert, chances are that your profile is less likely to turn up in search results. It can, therefore, be beneficial to use a common job title, that immediately gives clarity on your area of expertise.

Your description

A clear description of you and your responsibilities within your job is a starting point to show recruiters what experience you have. It is even better to write about yourself with a potential employer in mind. Your description could answer questions like; What have you accomplished in your job, that resulted in a direct advantage for your employer? What is the problem that your company had, that you were hired to solve? The answer to these questions will make you stand out and gives recruiters a reason to get in touch with you.

What do you want your social media profile to say about you?

As you can see, your online presence is influencing how recruiters can identify you as a potential candidate for a job. When you spend time thinking about what you want to accomplish with your social media presence and take out some time to compose a profile that matches the purpose, you will be able to gain a lot more from social media in general. Especially for those who are ambitious, you’d want your profile to show that you are a professional that gets things done, has a good network and uses ‘free-time’ to further develop and contribute in things that matter.

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Publication date 23-08-2024
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Wendy Timmermans
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