
A day in the life of a Recruitment Consultant for Movers & Shakers

Categories: Recruitment


At Movers & Shakers we see a significant difference in how we execute our role as Recruitment Consultant compared to some of our industry peers. We choose to apply a personal approach to our services in order to contribute to the success of both our clients and candidates.

Do you have any idea what it takes to create a ‘perfect match’? As Recruitment Consultants we spend every day to do what it takes to find the right candidate for companies looking for talents.

Our most experienced consultant Ananda loves to share her routine with you, as our recruiter for the discipline Sales.

The Personal Touch

“If you are passionate and not afraid to think ‘out of the box’ you have a beautiful profession”

16 Years ago, Ananda started out her career as a recruiter in Amsterdam. During her career she prioritized developing herself both professional and personal, and always made the efforts to strengthen her skills so she is able to deliver stellar mediation services.

Today her way of working is characterized by her dedication during the Recruitment process and creating a personal connection with both the clients and candidates she works with.

For her this means that during candidate interviews she decides to pay more attention to characteristics and competences instead of somebody’s career path. A good conversation with a candidate teaches you more about somebody’s views and perspectives on life and work, a key factor when you want to find the right person for a job. In addition we see added value in submitting our candidates to an e-assessment, this helps us to get to know a person even better, because it shows us more about somebody’s personality, talents, competences and learning goals. Somebody who checks all the boxes of a job prescription is not necessarily the right person for a job.

By familiarizing ourselves with a candidate, we enable ourselves to find the qualities that matter for a company and allows us to propose a potential match that is sustainable for both parties.

As a result Ananda finds that clients have faith in her screening process. A CV is in a lot of cases not leading, but her opinion about candidates matters. Companies take her word for it when she makes a recommendation.

A carefully screened candidate is only the beginning. The second question is, will the candidate fit in at a company?

Besides carefully screening candidates, it takes more to create a successful match. It also means that there is a mutual feeling of confidence from both the candidate as well as the client. This means it is essential to know and understand our clients. By familiarizing us with the DNA of a company and their goals and desires, we can execute a search with more precision. Ananda loves to get a tast of a company’s atmosphere and serve as an ambassador for the company.

A day with Ananda

A bit of honesty is required, the average day as a Recruitment Consultant is not always very sexy. Je spend a lot of time at your computer to screen candidates and explore who is available. In addition you manage your processes and take care of quite some administrative work. But what makes this job great is that you’ll have many interesting conversations with talented individuals allowing you to really develop expertise within a discipline. You can say that Ananda was able to build an incredible network and knows without a doubt what works and what doesn’t work, due to her seniority. She knows how to deal with even the most challenging requests.

It is not always easy to find the perfect candidate that checks all the boxes, especially when your ideal candidate is not necessarily looking to switch jobs. This requires perseverance and a great motivation to pull through, even when things aren’t going your way.

Different from most other Recruitment firms, the consultants at Movers & Shakers are entrepreneurs, with full responsibility for their discipline. In addition to recruitment tasks, they also manage and create their own long term strategy, do acquisition and think along about the future of our firm. Something that is essential to assure growth and future opportunities.

At M&S we expect that your contribution will go beyond filling vacancies, therefore it will work in our advantage to know the recruitment business and to bring the right personality to the job. Things are not always easy, and self motivation as well as perseverance are essential to make your discipline successful.

“If you are good at what you do, you really are of added value”

Even though there is quite some competition in the recruitment industry, there certainly is a way to distinguish yourself from others. We try to do that every day by delivering the highest quality possible, to our clients and candidates.

Do you want to work as a Recruitment Consultant?

At this moment we are looking for strong recruiters to join our team. Are you a networker who is good in accountmanagement? Are you a strong communicator and do you love to work towards goals and results? Have a look at our full job description here, or send your application to Mascha Manassen at

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Publication date 23-08-2024
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